
Deadly Shark Power 25000 Delay Spray – 45ml

Original price was: ₨ 800.Current price is: ₨ 720.

  • Strong Timing Spray
  • Incrēasē Timē & Stamina
  • Prēvēnt Prēmaturē Ējaculation.
SKU: 959434555 Category:


Dēadly Shark 25000 Dēlay Spray control sēnsitivity of thē Pēnis whēn sprayēd to thē hēad and works within 10-15 minutēs of bēing sprayēd. Oncē usēd you can havē intērcoursē for up to 10 timēs longēr than prēviously. Known as stud spray duē to your ability to kēēp going longēr and satisfy your lucky lady, giving hēr multiplē orgasms. Prēmaturē ējaculation is a common condition that affēcts millions (75 pērcēnt) of mēn at onē timē or anothēr.

Dēadly Shark 25000 Dēlay Spray control sēnsitivity of thē Pēnis whēn sprayēd to thē hēad and works within 5 minutēs of bēing sprayēd
Oncē usēd you can havē intērcoursē for up to 10 timēs longēr than prēviously

Dēadly Shark 25000 Dēlay Spray is rēcommēndēd to anyonē who has difficulty achiēving full intērcoursē satisfaction bēcausē of prēmaturē ējaculation


Deadly Shark